Holding Reverence - Musing


Noun: deep respect for someone or something.

Verb: regard or treat with deep respect.


Tuning into reverence in any moment, is a turning toward life.

A turning toward wholeness.

In seeing everything as deserving of respect,

everything divinely woven by mother’s hand. 

Here, is where I access more of my heart, my devotion, my truth, and trust.

Even in those moments that might be hard to access reverence.

Feeling the pain, those that hurt or are hurting, bound in anger, resentment, trauma.

How can I hold these moments, these individuals, with the utmost respect?

How can I hold myself and be held when I forget?

With eyes of reverence.

As though right now, this moment, is a stunningly attuned and in service of our wholeness.

When I do this, I find that I meet and access more of myself

More of the parts of me that are yearning to be loved,

the ones that have been shoved and tucked away in my unconscious and told to stay quiet

Here, shame and guilt cannot exist as the acts to which you would be shameful/guilty of,

are held with love rather than blame. 

Turning toward reverence, is a turning toward wholeness,

meeting the parts of myself that believe they are separate.

It is the act of welcoming, the act of leaning more into trust, and noticing when I  am

wanting to turn away from.

It is the willingness to feel it all, to be in contact with it all

and allow everything to change me at my core. 


Here, I turn toward reverence

Here, I turn toward life

Here, I turn towards you

Here, I turn towards myself too


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