We walked - Poem

And although it was dark

we walked

and found our way

It isn’t always easy

It isn’t always right

But moments like these

Can make others bright

We're between the footprints

the detours in time

like slivers of broken glass

making light kaleidoscopic and sublime

We need not fall to darkness

Nor tremble with our knees

Of fight with righteous fists

Clenching our own teeth

We need not cling to hopeless

Or bow to someone’s feet

But trust in our own witness

Trust in what we meet

And although we are in darkness

And although we may feel weak

And although we might be scared

Not knowing what we will see

We walked with our own footsteps

And found the ground beneath

We walk with our own footsteps

Held by the ground beneath


Into the Abyss - Poem


Okay, Love - Poem